Courage is more important than money

Nataša Serec

If you want to be active, or establish an alternative cultural place, the most important things are courage and enthusiasm – then, over time you are sure to get the results. Money is also important, of course, but don’t think it is all important, that you can’t start without it. You can start as we started this club and the whole Metelkova and how so many other places around Slovenia started. At the beginning there was just this place and us saying \let's just do something and then slowly, slowly it developed. The people here in Slovenia still have solidarity: Ah, there’s a new place, let`s help them, let`s do a benefit for them. In winter, they will need to pay for heating, they will need to install new electricity connections, or whatever. In Slovenia we have about 30 such really underground places, like small clubs, youth centres, etc. Plus there are the youth centres established by municipalities – Slovenia is thus full of this culture. Young people in small towns or villages, they just have a need for something and they go for it. Almost every small town – and all are small in Slovenia – has something, some alternative scene, an alternative space where they do their programme. 

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Nataša Serec

Nataša Serec

President of the Association KUD Mreža in Ljubljana, Slovenia

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