We catalyse networking

Giovanni Schiuma

The Innovation Insights Hub at University of the Arts London is a world leading research initiative focusing on how it is possible to create the collaboration between the arts and the business in order to support the innovation processes. The main mission of the Innovation Insights Hub is to support the partnership between the business and arts and to explore approaches, tools, methodology, frameworks that can foster the collaboration between arts business and particularly understand and explain what is the value of working at the intersection of arts and business for innovation.

As an institute we leverage the wide background of academics, practitioners, artists in The University of Arts London. So the idea of the hub is not only to have a research centre with its own specific research project but very importantly to engage the overall system and ecosystem of expertise that we have within the university. But the hub is not only focusing in working across the university and fostering the collaboration between The University of Arts London and businesses around the world.

We are very much committed also in creating a network of international experts. And this is I believe important when we think about how to develop the creative sector. Today we experience a lot of small groups of people or some institutions working also in a very leading way on international level on the application of creativity and arts in business. But usually they tend to be very isolated. And this is the one of the main problems, I believe today in the system of the relationship between arts and business. Sometimes people and sometimes institutions tend to work in silos rather then searching for networking and creating a relational capital. This is very critical if we want to make sure that the creative business and the traditional business can work together and can somehow cross fertilize and create the condition, the synergy for the new form of development. And this is what the hub trying to do.
We are committed to develop research project but also to catalyse networking. And we are working particularly at the moment at the European level but also at the world level and particularly in Korea, with South Africa, with Chine we are building the relationship. And the idea is that by creating a network we could not only share expertise, not only develop common product but also to start to advocate importance of creative processes in the traditional business.
I believe this is the main problem. Today still the creativity is considered as a kind of cenerentola, the kind of area that is nice to support but with no practical implication for value creation. I believe that creativity can really play an important role in value creation dynamics but only if we are able to integrate those principles in the organization. And for doing that means to disclose human energy, to disclose human passion, to disclose the energy that the in many organization is present and is related to people. This is where arts can play an important role.

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Giovanni Schiuma

Giovanni Schiuma

Director of the Innovation Insights Hub at University of the Arts London

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