Creative Industries make places more attractive

Eberhard Schrempf

The Government of Styria at a certain point realised that the creative industries are not only an economic factor per se but that they are also important economically because they make the city and the region more attractive to people, to tourists and companies. Culture can act as a very strong magnet and a factor that shapes the future of a city by creating a specific atmosphere, a certain spirit. There are more than 40,000 students in Graz. The majority of them leave the city after their studies. After some time however many return, often as entrepreneurs with their small businesses. In the long term, it makes sense for the region to invest into the people with ideas, so that they return to the place where they studied. One direct impact of the creative industries on the city is more movement in the city, more and longer stays in the city. But this is only one part of the picture. Another interesting impact is a higher quality of life in Graz. It is a very safe and pleasant city with plenty of green areas. All these factors are important for companies deciding where to base themselves. They tend to take into consideration things such as education and leisure opportunities for families, the cultural and social life. All these aspects play a role and are thus long-term economic factors.

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Eberhard Schrempf

Eberhard Schrempf

Managing Director of the Creative Industries Styria in Graz, Austria

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