We give homework to politicians
Tjerk van Impelen
Once we were given the mandate and the responsibility for the city as a project organization we have to try that these changes will happen. And these changes can only happen if the next politicians understand what has been done in past years and understand what needs to be done in next years and they are willing to take a responsibility to keep on guiding these ongoing processes. So what we really do is that every four years the project organization has the same goals which are not changing. Namely it is the improvement of the public domain, the improvement of the situation of companies, the improvement of the welfare of the citizens. But alongside the different political course at one time the one politician wants to have more cyclists, the next politician wants to have more companies, the next politician wants to cut the budgets. Then we as a practical functional thinking organization try to convince these politicians that they keep on course the way we started 10 years ago.
So what we really do is that we invite these politicians to organization which they have a political responsibility for and start giving them homework. We give them the historical sense about the area. We make them more aware about the different backyards that arts take. You have a general saying “not in my backyard“. But from which backyard are you thinking? And how much compassion do you have for the backyard of your neighbour? So we tried to convince a political called person to try to think about position of others parties involved by inviting them ower to do the homework. And this is also how we are a middleman by guiding our own politicians through the course of events by remodelling this area for benefit of entire city.
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- We give homework to politicians
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