Role of networking

Lemmit Kaplinski

I think that networking is more important than anything else in the cultural management and especially running a center like this. Even in the most difficult times with the previous center, once we had an option to be late in our rental payment or participating in a Trans Europe Halles meeting, I would always go to the Trans Europe Halles meeting. That is what kept us alive to large extent the fact that we had this international horizon, we knew the troubles and joys of others and we could be a part of that. It is to mend as I said. And not that the old place is folding but literally merging the non-profit organization which has been a member of Trans Europe Halles into this new development. Or I can also transfer the membership. So we definitely want to keep being a member of the network.

And we would definitely want to take on a bigger role because we have been one of the smallest members of Trans Europe Halles actually with least financial capacity. Now if these things start working properly we will be definitely in a better position to take the lead in some project or put forward a better team or more manpower in the network. I think next years it is going to be when we turn arise from concrete into networking and really think about what can we do, what are our options, what are our resources. But I cannot stress this enough that at least for us international networking in the Trans Europe Halles has been something that has kept us float sort of mentally and giving the people hear the perspective to keep doing what we are doing.

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Lemmit Kaplinski

Lemmit Kaplinski


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