Halle14 is a very dense art center

Michael Artz

Maybe the history of Halle14 is that we still do international art exhibitions in the warm months or the period of year. Now this exhibition space you see here is 2000 square meters. The building is 20000 square meters. We started the first years to make our exhibitions at 3rd floor upstairs. And in meantime the last 10 years since 2007 we started also the renovation process. As you have to understand when you talk about Halle14 that we first started with the cultural projects in abandoned building.

The roof was leaking and we tried to find out how it is to present contemporary art in here. Not in the city center of Leipzig, we are here in the suburb of Leipzig. And there were people at the beginning who said, no, you must be completely crazy to make exhibitions here in the suburb of Leipzig, nobody will come. And there is a period of establishing this artist center here at Spinnerei. Nearly all galleries of Leipzig moved in 2005 here to Spinnerei. That means until today more than 10 galleries are here in the area. Here is the non-profit art center Halle14. It is very dense artist and art area. Now there are maybe around 100 artists having their studios. Here is an artist supply store, different workshops and factories. It is maybe the most dense contemporary art center in the East of Germany outside of Berlin. But even the people from Berlin say the better thing in Leipzig is that everything is so dense, you even can jump from one opening to the next opening.

We have every year three big opening events called Gallery Walk or in German Rundgang of Spinnerei galleries. That means that all the art exhibition rooms here open new exhibitions and invite their guests. And there are people coming from all over the world here. We already counted more then 10000 visitors some years. Usually it is more than 5000, 5000 to 10000 to 35000 people that come this week. This is more or less the successful story of the Spinnerei in Leipzig and in the middle of Spinnerei the non-profit art center Halle14.

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Michael Artz

Michael Artz


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