What is Haushalten?

Hannes Lindemann

Hello, I am Hannes Lindemann. I am working for association called Haushalten e.V. We are here in Leipzing in our headquarter garden. The main goal of our association is to preserve buildings from falling apart here in Leipzig. We have different models of it.

The main point is that Leipzig lost more than 100.000 inhabitants after the reunion of Germany. And it was really a deep impact on the city structure and on the everyday street life here. More than 60.000 flats were empty around year 2000. And there was a government programme, which supported the tear down of the old buildings in here.

In 2004 our association was founded by our first four group members and we figured out some ways to preserve building on one hand and to have creative people like artists or start-ups or other associations to get space and rooms to develop their ideas. It is a good way to preserve the buildings like destroyed apartment building and buildings which are important for the image of the city and for the everyday life.

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Hannes Lindemann

Hannes Lindemann


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