Position of culture and creative industries

Philippe Kern

I am a cultural activist and I have been working for culture and creative industries for more than 25 years. We are managing a team of 10 people of different nationalities and we are all driven by the same passion for culture and creative industries. We are based in Brussels. I discovered culture and creative industries through my professional life as a lawyer and I have always felt that this was an industry not well treated, not taken seriously into consideration by politicians. In Brussels you are surrounded by different industry interests that are very good in influencing decision-making process. On the opposite, cultural and creative industries, which are essentially composed of small and medium size companies have more difficulties to get heard. I have always felt this was unjust, essentially considering the contribution of this industry to quality of life, to economic development or to social progress. This is why I decided to engage myself in, first in explaining to people and to decision makers what culture and creative industry is about, then in providing evidence of impact of culture investments, which is much wider than simply enabling people to be entertained.

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Philippe Kern

Philippe Kern

Founder and managing director of KEA European Affairs in Brussels, Belgium

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