Creativity & Innovation

Philippe Kern

Politicians very often see innovations only from a point of view of technological innovation. Thus spending is being done to develop research and development funding from a technological point of view. But there are other forms of innovation, connected to creativity, creative skills, communication, branding, product development, design etc. We need to make our politicians aware of that. We worked on a web study of cultural economy. The aim of the study was to show how much creativity stemming from artists, creative people, culture and creative industries can contribute to innovation in society in all its forms. At the end, I’m not sure if it’s so important to distinguish creativity and innovation. But we’ve made a distinction for two reasons. First, the word “creativity” is often misused and is used for different purposes for example when talking about a creative football player, a creative accountant, a creative lawyer. Creativity is connected to the ability of artists and creative professions to see things differently, to introduce disruption in our traditional way of looking at things and it is this power of being disruptive that is bringing innovation or new perception. The second reason was political. Innovation is so much linked to technological innovation that we wanted to show to European politicians they have had too narrow vision of innovation and that the definition of innovation did not sufficiently take into account the creativity part. Innovation is linked more to usefulness, on the other hand creativity is linked more to intuition. We also came up with a concept of culture based creativity. We wanted to show direct link that exist between creativity and artistic and cultural activities, and also with review to show how much this creativity contributes to product developments, service innovation, social innovation, communication branding. 

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Philippe Kern

Philippe Kern

Founder and managing director of KEA European Affairs in Brussels, Belgium

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