Creative Industry in Lithuania

Audronis Imbrasas

If talking about creative industries or cultural industries, you know there are different options. There is no any official culture or creative industry statement, yet. Of course the Ministry of Culture would answer this question in one way, some people from the sector would answer otherwise, the Ministry of Economy would answer in a third way. At least Arts Printing House was one of those that tried to bring, or to promote, a term for the creative industries in Lithuania, like 10 years ago already. Now it’s being used a lot by the authorities, by officials. And it’s also understood in different ways. I would say that there is no one clear understanding. Parts of the authorities say that it’s mostly cinema, digital things, computer games, maybe the printing of books or printing in total. I would say that it’s everything that includes creative activities, so for me it’s also the culture inside of creative industries or vice versa. Actually, what we say is that Arts Printing House is the creative industry’s incubator with a priority for contemporary performing arts. That is also what we say what Arts Printing House is, because there is no one clear term for how to call it. But yes, this term, or this kind of phrase, is still being understood differently by different groups of society or by different people, or by different players, or by different authorities.

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Audronis Imbrasas

Audronis Imbrasas

Arts Printing House in Vilnius, Lithuania

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